Perennial herb. Tuber 40-50 mm diam., somewhat depressed, red. Stems 1-few, spreading or erect, sometimes sparsely branched above, up to about 100 mm tall, densely covered with spreading, transparent hairs up to 1 mm long. Leaves shortly petiolate, ovate, ovate-elliptic, or oblong-elliptic, 10-50 x 1.5-15 mm, thinly hirsute on back, midrib and margin, glabrous or nearly so above. Flowers 1-2, extra-axillary; pedicels slender, 8-13 mm long, thickening only after fertilization. Sepals linear-filiform, 3 mm long, sparsely hirsute. Corolla yellowish-brown, 15-20 mm long, divided nearly to base, with lobes united at tips; tube saucer-shaped, 1-2 mm deep; lobes shortly ovate at base, linear above, 14-18 mm long, sparsely hirsute outside. Corona arising from about middle of staminal column, with outer lobes deeply divided into 2 filiform branches or lobules, slightly overtopping staminal column; inner lobes, ovate-oblong, incumbent on backs of filaments. Pollinia somewhat pyriform, 0.25 mm long, slightly compressed, with upper i of inner margin translucent, with short connectives from about the middle to small wingless carrier.