Erect, perennial, herbaceous geophyte. Stems 1, rarely more, produced annually, 150-500 mm tall, from clustered, succulent or fusiform rootstock. Leaves ascending or spreading-erect, linear, apex acute, up to 100 x ± 3 mm. Flower solitary, extraaxillary from upper nodes; pedicel 6-10 mm long. Corolla 40-50 mm long, erect, tube cylindrical, 16-18 mm long, basal inflation ovoid, ± 5 mm in diam., expanding gently to ± 6 mm diam. mouth, forming 5 sinus-like pockets; lobes free, erect, deltoid at base, somewhat replicate, soon becoming linear, 25-30 mm long; lobes yellowish green, densely tomentose, basally with a tuft of subclavate red hairs, inner surface with interwoven, shortly curly, yellow hairs. Corona: interstaminal corona lobes connate into a fused cup-like structure ± 1 mm tall around rest of gynostegium, forming pockets that are deeply bifid on margin, hairy inside; staminal corona lobes erect, arising from base inside interstaminal coronal pockets, linear, sometimes subspathulate with small tubercles basally on either side.