Perennial herb. Tuber (not seen, possibly up to 100 mm diam.) with stout neck. Stems 1-several produced from near the base, 0.1-0.3 m tall, with dense, long, soft spreading pubescence. Leaves elliptic or elliptic-oblong, 10-25 x 5-7 mm, glabrous above, villous below, especially along midrib and margins, ciliate. Flowers 2-3 at nodes; pedicels 2-6 mm long, thinly villous. Sepals lanceolate-subulate, 3 mm long. Corolla cage-like with united apex, 20-30 mm long; tube 4-5 mm long, narrowly campanu-1ate with slightly recurved sinuses, glabrous outside, thinly covered with whitish hairs within; lobes 12-25 mm long, linear-filiform from a deltoid base, thinly ciliate and sparsely pubescent on back with short, coarse, spreading hairs. Corona arising slightly above base of staminal column, with 5 outer lobes erect, bifid, with teeth falcately spreading; inner lobes linear, closely incumbent on backs of anthers.
Perennial herb, 100-300 mm tall, villous with spreading hairs. Corolla with cylindrical beak in bud; tube ± 4 mm long, cage-like open part becoming broader than base.