Perennial herb, 0.1-0.5 m high. Stems and branches shortly pubescent, eglandular. Leaves with blade deeply lobed, 10-50 x 10-30 mm, segments 5-7, decurrent, base cuneate, apex acute or obtuse, margins entire. Flowers: in abbreviated, usually few-flowered spikes, 10-45 mm long; corolla with tube 18-25 mm long, white, cream-coloured or dull yellow; Nov.-Mar. Fruit with cocci not separating spontaneously when ripe.
Undershrub, 300 mm tall. Leaf blades deeply pinnatifid. Spikes abbreviated, 10-45 mm long, usually few-flowered. Cocci not separating spontaneously when ripe. Flowers white, cream or dull yellow.