Small shrubs, climbing or mostly epiphytic, sometimes with thickened roots. Leaves spiral, entire, with a pair of glands on the margin near to the petiole, or on the foot of the constricted (or decurrent) proper base of the blade, or on the petiole itself, 5-7-plinerved, coriaceous, glabrous, bearing no trace of glands or glandular hairs on the undersurface but often with scattered prominent epidermal warts or elevated points on both faces. Inflorescences axillary or not rarely slightly extra-(supra-)axillary. Flowers small, solitary or in few-flowered fascicles. Pedicels continuous with the calyx, bracteolate at the base. Calyx tube connate with the ovary, ± cup-shaped; calyx limb ± deeply 4-5-partite. Corolla cylindric, urceolate or subcampanulate, shortly 5-lobed to deeply 5-partite. Stamens 5, 8 or 10, equal or almost so; filaments linear, much shorter than the anthers; cells elongate, dorsi-fix, ecalcarate, each extending upwards into an erect, free, elongate tubule, which opens by an introrse pore or slit. Disk annular. Ovary inferior, 4-5-celled; loculi many-ovuled; style filiform; stigma truncate. Fruit baccate, crowned by the disk and the persistent calyx lobes, subglobose, 4-5-celled, with 1-15 seeds per loculus. Seeds minute; testa reticulate.
Mostly epiphytic, more rarely terrestrial, in primary forest and mossy forest, from sealevel up to 1800 m.