Ovary free, glabrous or hairy, 1-locular with 2–4 multiovulate placentas; style short or long, simple or divided in the upper half into 2–4 branches, stigmas 2–4, short.
Fruit a globose capsule with a hard leathery pericarp, style persistent, splitting into 2–4 longitudinal sections.
Petals 4–7, imbricate, like the inner sepals but larger, with thick hairy scales adnate at the base within.
Stamens indefinite, free; anthers linear to narrowly lanceolate, dehiscing longitudinally.
Flowers bisexual or male by abortion, in lax racemes or crowded and more or less spicate.
Leaves petiolate with caducous stipules; lamina entire, serrulate or dentate.
Sepals 4–5, almost free, the outer scarcely smaller, usually orbicular.
Bushes or tall trees with the vegetative parts quite glabrous.
Seeds few.