Stipe 30-40 cm, base clothed with spreading rather soft red-brown hairs 25 mm or more long, with short flaccid pale hairs also; leafy part of frond to c. 300 cm long; lower pinnae gradually reduced, lowest 15 cm long, longest 65 cm, pinna-rachis beneath dark, clothed rather sparsely with dark red rigid hairs, the smallest ones with a pale inflated basal cell, also short pale flaccid hairs; pinnules to 140 mm long, costa covered beneath with rigid flexuous antrorse dark red hairs, some with a pale base, and on distal part a few pale flaccid ones; costules of tertiary leaflets 5-6 mm apart; sterile tertiary leaflets to 20 mm long, lobed to costule at base, lobes to 6 pairs, veins pinnate in each, edges toothed; fertile tertiary leaflets lobed throughout to costule, lobes to 5 pairs, each with a sorus, the basal ones also with an acute sterile tooth.
"Abundant in forest of lower slopes, stem 4 m high, 13 cm ø under the leaves and thickened downwards; leaves 10, spreading".