Stipe to at least 30 cm, densely hairy throughout, hairs uniform, soft, medium brown, to 15 mm, the shorter hairs of same texture, no thick firm red hairs present; lamina c. 150 cm long; rachis beneath red-brown when dry, covered with matted short hairs like those of the stipe; pinnae to 40 cm long, pinna-rachis persistently hairy as rachis on lower surface; largest pinnules 80 mm long, costules 5½ mm apart; costa beneath brown-hairy almost to apex; tertiary leaflets to 15 mm long, sterile ones deeply lobed near the base and less deeply upwards, larger lobes each with a pinnate vein, edges toothed; fertile tertiary leaflets deeply lobed throughout, vein in larger lobes forked, acroscopic branch bearing a sorus, sterile part of lobe not longer than fertile.