Slender, usually caulescent herbs 10-40 cm high, variable, the basal rosette absent at times. Roots 1-2, long, swollen, densely matted with root hairs. Stems (often reduced to scapes) unbranched, densely glandular pubescent. Leaves apetiolate (occasionally with an ill-defined sulcate petiole), exstipulate, dimorphous; primary leaves basal, rosulate, narrowly obovate, 12-20(-30) mm long, base attenuate, bearing both types of tentacles; cauline leaves laxly spaced, alternate, linear to linear-lanceolate, 2-4 cm long, 1-4 mm broad, apex acute, with some very long knob-bearing tentacles at the apex and along the upper margin and with numerous shorter ones. Inflorescence terminal, 1-several-flowered, the thin pedicels up to 3 cm. Calyx-lobes acute, about 9 mm long. Petals broadly obovate, up to 2 cm long, notched at the apex, white, yellow, mauve, pink, purple, dark red (Malmesbury district), with a dark green base. Stamens with short dark green filaments, connective rhomboid with the locules diverging. Styles divided from the base, long, patent-erect, apical stigmatic areas flabellately multifid. Capsule turbinate; seed ovoid-ellipsoid, brown, minutely honey-combed.
Slender, perennial, insectivorous herb, up to 100-400 mm high. Leaves dimorphic, sometimes uniform, lower radical or lacking, apetiolate, oblanceolate, upper linear, exstipulate. Flowers large, few in subcorymbose cymes, white, yellow, mauve to purple or red, with dark centre; stigmas multifid. Flowering time Aug., Sept. Fruit a turbinate capsule. Seeds ovoid-ellipsoid.
Slender perennial to 40 cm. Leaves dimorphic, sometimes uniform, lower radical or lacking, oblanceolate, cauline leaves linear, exstipulate. Flowers l-few in subcorymbose cymes, large, white, yellow, mauve to purple or red, with dark centre, stigmas multifid.