Herb with fibrous roots. Stem very short, the old leaves persistent. Leaves many in a convex basal rosette; lamina orbicular, concave, 2–5 mm diam., on flattened petiole 15–50 mm long, the margins silky-woolly; stipules narrowly lanceolate, subulate, 8–10 mm long, entire or bifid. Scapes 1–2, to 12 cm long, hirsute to woolly, 10–35– flowered. Sepals obovate-spathulate, 2.5–4 mm long, woolly outside. Petals broadly obovate, 7 mm long, pale to deep pink. Styles 3, each deeply bipartite, in the upper half dichotomously divided into short, broad lobes, the stigmas subclavate. Seeds ellipsoidal, mamillate.
NB Caution information unclear.