Fairly large herbs forming a short woody rhizome and long, woody roots. Leaves apetiolate, exstipulate, with circinnate vernation; lamina linear, up to 40 cm long and 12 mm broad, tapering gradually to a filiform point, tentacles long, knob-shaped, densely fringing the margin; midrib sulcate above, raised below; lower surface glabrous. Inflorescence with the cyme branched, scape up to 40 cm long, glabrous, terete, bracts small, bearing some reduced tentacles, pedicels up to 15 mm long, covered with reduced tentacles; flowers fairly large. Calyx-lobes 13 mm long, densely covered with reduced tentacles, those on the margin fairly long-stipitate. Petals obovate, c. 2.5 cm long, old rose. Stamens with the terete filaments 15 mm long, connective not dilated, anthers hastate below, apiculate above. Styles entire, 13 mm long, narrowly funnel-shaped above with the stigmatic area glandular-fimbriate. Capsule oblong, 8 mm, seeds fusiform-falcate, 1 mm, reticulate, apiculate.
Stout, rhizomatous perennial to 40 cm, woody below. Leaves linear-attenuate, circinnate, exstipulate. Flowers in forked, subcorymbose cymes, magenta, styles 3, undivided, stigmas narrowly funnel-shaped.