Epiphytic suffrutescent herbs, subshrubs, shrubs, or lianas; stems often pen-dent to repent, to 5 m long, succulent, terete, reddish, and brown hirsute when young, becoming woody, subquadrangular, gray brown and glabrate when ma-ture, the nodes swollen; numerous short branches present. Leaves subequal in a pair, opposite, ovate, oblong, or obovate, 3.6-12.91 cm long, 2.5-4.9 cm wide, subcoriaceous, the apex acute to rounded, the base acute to rounded, occasionally oblique, subentire to serrate, dark green above, becoming dark brown when dry from brown hirsute hairs which are more dense at the veins, below lighter green, densely hirsute; petioles 2-12 mm long, brown hirsute. Inflorescences near the apices of the short branches or main stems, of single flowers; pedicels 1.0-1.8 cm long, densely hirsute. Flowers with a faint sweet odor; calyx all green or all red purple, or green below and red above, or red outside and green within, the lobes bractlike, connate at the base, unequal, 2 anterior lobes broadly elliptic, 2.5-3.0 cm long, the lateral lobes a little shorter, the posterior lobe suborbicular, ca. 1 cm long, the apices obtuse, rounded or acute, serrulate to entire, hirsute especially at the base, the veins prominent; corolla variously colored, white, cream, pink, or purple, with reddish lines, rarely greenish, 4.5-6.5 cm long, oblique in the calyx, the tube gradually broader from the base, saccate on the upper side at base, spur ca. 0.5 cm long, 0.8 cm wide, hirsute on the upper side, glabrous below, tube ca. 2 cm wide and not contracted at the throat, hirsute outside, puberulent within, the limb somewhat bilabiate, to 3 cm wide, the lobes spreading, suborbiculate, the upper and the lateral lobes 1 cm long and wide, subentire, the lower lobe ca. 1.5 cm long and wide, the lobes fimbriate to erose, often darker colored than the tube; stamens included, the filaments flattened, coiling after anthesis, connate at the base and adnate to the base of the corolla tube, the anthers oblong, ca. 7 mm long with a broad connective, coherent at first, brown; nectary posterior, gla-brous; ovary apex grooved, red villous, the style thick, ca. 2.5 cm long, 2-3 mm wide, puberulent, the stigma capitate. Fruit a fleshy, red, bivalved capsule sur-rounded by the accrescent, persistent calyx, valves spreading, exposing the black seeds in the fleshy pulp. Chromosomes n = 9 (Wiehler, 1972).