Terrestrial or epiphytic herbs or subshrubs; stems erect, quadrangular, suc-culent, to 30 cm tall, ca. 1 cm wide, green to reddish, the upper part of the stem strigillose, the internodes to 5.5 cm long, the nodes swollen. Leaves nearly equal in a pair, ovate, elliptic to obovate, 7.9-24.8 cm long, 3.4-14.0 cm wide, fleshy when fresh, membranous when dry, the apex acuminate, the base acute to rounded, crenulate, above bullate, dark green, glossy, glabrous, below red to purple, strigillose, the veins prominent; petioles stout, 1.6-8.4 cm long, 2-3 mm wide when dry, reddish, strigillose. Inflorescences in the upper leaf axils, short racemose, of 4-10 flowers; peduncles 2-6 mm long, strigillose; bracts red-dish; pedicels slender, 1.1-3.1 cm long, strigillose. Flowers with the calyx lobes ovate, ca. 2 cm long, pale green, strigillose on both sides, the apex acute to rounded, the base cordate, entire; corolla horizontal in the calyx, the tube saccate at the base, puberulent or strigose outside, broadening toward the throat, pale green to yellow or cream, glandular inside, 2-3 cm long, ca. 1 cm wide at the throat limb with the upper and lateral lobes reflexed, ca. 5 mm long, subentire, the basal lobe erect, slightly longer, erose; stamens included, fila-ments ca. 2 cm long, adnate to the base of the corolla tube, glabrous above; anthers ca. 4 mm long; disc gland dorsal, white, glabrous, the ovary pubescent, the style glandular pubescent, the stigma broadly bibbed. Fruit unknown.