Herbs, caulescent or acaulescent. Leaves alternate or subopposite, basal or restricted to the terminal portion of the stem in a dense pattern, the cystoliths lacking. Inflorescences spicate, occasionally scapose, compact, the peduncles with imbricate, coriaceous bracts; bract single; bracteoles 2. Flowers perfect, zygo-morphic, sessile, the calyx 4-merous, the segments narrow, entire or toothed apically; corolla 5-merous, white or blue, the tube narrow, 2-lipped with the upper lip 1-lobed, the lower lip 3-lobed; stamens 2, barely exserted, the anthers of 2 cells which are equal and parallel; ovary 2-celled, to 10 ovules in each cavity, the style 1. Capsule basally constricted and apically acute; seeds borne on papil-liform funicles.