Ovary spindle-shaped, hirsute; style geniculate, filiform, bearded proximally, widening slightly towards the bend, with a minute terminal stigma.
Seeds deep red to very dark brown, suborbicular or rectangular, with a small hilum bearing a small persistent cartilaginous funicle remnant.
Calyx 4–5-lobed, the upper lobes often connate, pubescent; lobes up to 5-toothed, each tooth gland-tipped or not.
Inflorescence an axillary or terminal pseudoraceme; bracts and bracteoles gland-tipped.
Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules and stipels present.
Vexillary stamen free, the rest fused into a sheath.
Pod oblong, compressed, dehiscent, (1)2(3)-seeded.
Corolla small; standard obovate, clawed.
Erect or climbing herbs or subshrubs.