Annual, glabrous herbs. Flowers 4-or 5-merous. Calyx tube cupuliform; lobes dorsally carinate or winged. Corolla rotate; tube campanulate, becoming globose; lobes spreading; plicae absent. Stamens equal; filaments inserted in corolla throat; anthers basifixed, not twisted after anthesis, dehiscence apical-porose. Nectaries absent. Ovary globose; ovules numerous; style filiform, curved or bent left or right, caducous; stigma 1, appearing sub-capitate or slightly sulcate, papillose; gynophore absent. Capsule globose dehiscing longitudinally to base. Seeds numerous.
Annuals. Stems branched, glabrous. Leaves opposite. Cymes axillary or terminal, paniculate. Flowers 4-or 5-merous. Calyx lobed nearly to base. Corolla rotate, lobes longer than tube. Stamens inserted at throat of corolla tube just below sinus between corolla lobes; anthers cylindric, 2-locular, dehiscing by apical pores. Ovary 2-locular. Capsules 2-valved, many seeded. Seed coat warty.
Stamens 4–5, inserted below the sinuses; anthers opening by terminal pores prolonged into longitudinal slits during the dehiscence, not twisted.
Corolla regular or somewhat zygomorphic, with a short, campanulate or broadly cylindrical tube; lobes 4–5, spreading.
Leaves, linear-lanceolate, narrowly elliptic to ovate or ovate-elliptic, entire, 3–7 nerved.
Ovary subglobose, bilocular; ovules numerous; style subulate; stigma capitate.
Flowers 4–5 merous, in teminal or axillary 2-or 3-chotomous cymes.
Seeds numerous, subglobose-polyhedric; testa faveolate.
Capsule subglobose or obovoid, septicidally bivalved.
Calyx 4–5 lobed to the middle or nearly to the base.
Stems erect simple or branched, 4-ridged, glabrous.
Annual herbs or rarely perennial.