Shrubs or straggling to twining climbers. Leaves opposite, rarely verticillate; stipules reduced to an interpetiolar line; leaf blade margin entire. Thyrses axillary and terminal, many-flowered or fascicles with few flowers to 1-flowered. Flowers 5-merous. Sepals imbricate. Corolla funnelform; lobes imbricate. Stamens inserted at base to middle of corolla tube; filaments strap-shaped to filiform; anthers narrowly ovate to narrowly oblong, included to exserted, 2-locular, base sagittate. Ovary 2-locular, with several ovules per locule. Style filiform; stigma 4-cleft. Capsules ovoid to narrowly ellipsoid, septicidal, 4-valvate, several-seeded. Seeds winged.
Straggling shrubs. Twigs slender, terete. Leaves petioled; stipules reduced to an interpetiolar line. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, thyrsoid to 1-flowered. Flowers 5-merous (in G. sempervirens heterostylous). Calyx: sepals free, glabrous or ciliate. Corolla funnel-shaped, lobes imbricate. Stamens glabrous, exserted; filaments strap-shaped; anthers sagittate, cells free, latrorse. Pistil glabrous; ovary 2-celled, ovules several per cell; style filiform, stigma twice forked. Capsule septicidal, 2-valved. Seeds several, winged.: Seeds not winged in G. rankinii.