Scales of main rachis-apex hardly ½ mm wide, edges with their setae shining dark brown, middle part paler; costae bearing a few scales near the base, the frond otherwise glabrous. Rachis-branches 70 cm or more long, strongly flexuous above the basal part; all pinnules deflexed, the upper ones at an angle to 45° so that each is in line with the portion of the rachis beyond it, the uppermost grading into the spreading lobes of the terminal lamina; largest pinnules 12 cm long and 2½ cm wide, the costae 4 cm apart; costules 4½ mm apart; lamina firm, glaucous beneath, lobed to 1-1½ mm from the costa, segments oblong, contiguous, almost truncate at the apex and often slightly retuse; no sori seen; stipular leaflets deltoid, 2 cm long, narrowly lobed.