Flowering plant nearly 1 m. high, propagating by stout scaly rhizomes. Leaves up to 20 in a dense rosette, erect, coriaceous, 8 dm. long; sheaths broadly elliptic, deep castaneous; blades subglabrous, wholly green, 30 mm. wide. Scape erect, stout. Scape-bracts with castaneous base and short acute erect blade, im-bricate. Inflorescence erect, densely capitate from about 10 spikes, 65 mm. thick. Primary bracts broad-ly ovate, shorter than the spikes, brown. Spikes densely strobiliform, very short-stipitate, suberect, stout, 45 mm. long. Floral bracts elliptic, acute, equaling or slightly exceeding the sepals, submembranaceous. Flowers glabrous. Pedicels 3 mm. long. Sepals lanceo-late, acute, 22 mm. long.