Few-to many-stemmed shrublet to 800 mm tall. Stems with 21-34 acute to obtuse angles, spines 5-9 mm long. Corolla 16-20 mm diam., usually somewhat campanulate with lobes only slightly spreading and often with slight annulus; outside reddish green; inside dark purple-black to pinkish brown; tube 2.0-2.5 mm deep, with corolla much thickened into annulus and thereby giving rise to often rather constricted sub-pentagonal mouth 4-5 mm diam.; lobes 4-6 mm long, 6-7 mm broad at base, ascending to spreading. Corona 2-3 mm tall, 4-5 mm broad; outer lobes bifid to well below middle into spreading to sub-erect diverging dorsiventrally flattened lobules 1-2 mm long; inner lobes 0.5-1.0 mm long.