Semi-succulent annuals, usually glabrous, glaucous. Stems procumbent to erect, branching from base. Leaves 2–3-pinnatisect. Inflorescence cymose. Bracts leaf-like, exceeding pedicel. Flowers zygomorphic, usually yellow. Sepals attached at base. Outer pair of petals entire or 3-lobed; inner pair smaller, usually deeply 3-lobed with the mid-lobe spathulate, often fringed with hairs. Stamens 4, usually with winged filaments. Pistil: ovary with numerous ovules; style with 2 stigmas. Fruit narrow, linear, breaking transversely into 1-seeded segments, or indehiscent, or rarely a pod-like capsule dehiscing by 2 valves. Seeds ovoid, octahedral or D-shaped, ± tuberculate.