A shrub. It lies along the ground. Young branches have rusty hairs. The leaves are oblong and rounded at the base. They are 10 cm long by 3 cm wide. Young leaves are hairy on both sides. They are shiny green above and dull underneath. The flowers are in groups at the end of branches.
Corolla tube 17–22 mm. long, slender, very slightly inflated in the middle, external surface densely pubescent, inner surface pubescent just below the stamens; corolla lobes 10–15 x 3·5–8 mm., elliptic, glabrous on upper surface, densely pubescent below on exposed half.
Leaves thinly coriaceous; petiole 4-6 mm. long, glabrous below, reddish-pilose above; lamina 3·5–10·5 x 1·6–4 cm., oblong-elliptic, acute to attenuate-acuminate at apex (acumen absent or short to long, with much variation even on the same twig), base obtuse.
Calyx 3–5 mm. long, lobes elliptic to broadly spathulate with patent tips, free to base, strongly imbricate, dorsally densely ferrugineous appressed-pilose especially along the median line.
Upper leaf surface characteristically mat grey when dry, glabrous, midrib impressed, lateral nerves and reticulum raised; lower surface pale brownish when dry, glabrous, all nerves raised.
Inflorescences dense capitate many-flowered terminal cymose panicles; peduncle 0–9 mm. long; axes ferrugineous-pilose.
Ovary c. 1 mm. long, gynoecium 7–8 mm. long; ovary and lower 2/3 of the style densely long-pilose.
Stamens inserted at the middle of the corolla tube; anthers subsessile, c. 2 mm. long.
Flowers sweet-scented, white with external indumentum pale buff.
Fruit 3·5–4·5 cm. in diameter, subglobose or oblong-pyriform.
Scandent shrub climbing to 12 m. or more.
Seeds 9–11·5 mm. long.
Young stems glabrous.
Tendrils uncommon.