Herbs or undershrubs. Stems and leaves often villous. Flowers medium or small, in dense axillary, distant verticillasters; sometimes forming terminal, capitate clusters. Calyx 8-10-nerved, often striate; mouth equal or oblique; teeth 8-10, usually unequal, posterior one largest. Corolla (in Mal.) white, tube slender, often not exserted, with a hairy ring inside or not; upper lip erect, concave, the margins often fringed with dense velutinous hairs; lower lip 3-fid, spreading, midlobe very large. Stamens 4, didynamous; upper pair shorter; all ascending under upper lip, cells divaricate, ultimately confluent. Disk entire or lobed, uniform or enlarged anteriorly. Style subulate; upper branch minute or obsolete. Nutlets ovoid, triquetrous, obtuse.