Leaves evergreen, acuminate; midrib and lateral nerves slightly depressed above and prominent beneath; reticulation very dense, isodiametrical; indumentum composed only of simple isolated short pachydermatous hairs; minute spherical glands generally dispersed on nerves and reticulation.
Flowers small, in large terminal panicles, with very hairy sepals and glabrescent petals; receptacle produced into a broad, elevated and conspicuous androgynophore.
Fruit ovoid-conical, with a parchment-like pericarp, surrounded by the 5 equal wings of the accrescent calyx.
Stamens numerous; anthers short, not produced at the apex into a sterile appendage.
Ovary hairy, 1-locular at the apex, with parietal placentation; ovules 6.
Tall trees with buttresses.