Flowers loosely arranged or clustered in terminal racemes, solitary in axils of leaves or bracts, pedicellate, bibracteolate.
Corolla tubular-campanulate, 5-lobed, larger than calyx, not marcescent, lobes imbricate, widely spreading.
Leaves opposite, occasionally alternate within inflorescence, sessile or subsessile, entire or toothed.
Stamens 4, included, didynamous, subequal; anther thecae parallel, distinct, apiculate or acuminate.
Calyx 5-lobed, campanulate, 10-ribbed, inflated in fruit; lobes erect, valvate, subequal.
Erect perennial herbs, erect to c. 100 cm. tall, coarse, scabrid or hispid.
Style clavate, flattened, persistent, exserted from persistent calyx.
Capsule loculicidal, included in calyx.