Calyx 15–22 mm. long in flower, campanulate-oblong, loose, somewhat angled, 10-nerved, densely reticulate-veined, somewhat concave at insertion of pedicel, 5-lobed, increasing to 30 mm. long in fruit, inflated; lobes 3–6 mm. long, broadly deltate, densely ciliate.
Erect herb, up to 0.7 m high, scabrid with short rough dots. Leaves narrowly ovate. Calyx campanulate-ob-long, 10-nerved, 5-angled and inflated in fruit. Flowers white, brown or pale yellow, tube purple or maroon.
Corolla white, yellow or purplish-brown, 20–38 mm. long, tube purple or red without, densely to subdensely long pilose without, extending to lobes; lobes 5, rounded, glabrous to subglabrous within.
Leaves 10–50 x 2–6 mm., opposite, narrowly-oblong or lanceolate, obtuse, slightly narrowed at base if at all, subentire to dentate, or occasionally lower shortly lobed, sessile or subsessile.
Shortly hairy, hemiparasitic perennial to 70 cm, sparsely branched above. Leaves narrow and slightly toothed. Flowers on long pedicels in lax racemes, pale yellow with purple throat.
Erect or ascending perennial herb up to 100 cm. tall, almost simple or branched, short tuberculate hispid-scabrid almost throughout except flowers; stems ascending, leafy.
Bracteoles two, opposite to subopposite in upper half or third of pedicel, but well below calyx, 4–7 (13) x 0.5–0.75 mm., linear to narrowly linear-lanceolate, spreading.
Capsule to 13 x 8 mm., broadly ellipsoid to subobovoid, slightly emarginate below persistent style.
Flowers in lax racemes 6–20 cm. long at ends of branches, long pedicellate.
Bracts subtending pedicels leaflike, becoming smaller above.
Pedicels (1 )2.5–10 cm. long.