Epiphytic orchids forming small clumps of fan-like tufts with thin, spreading roots. Leaves few per growth, laterally flattened, overlapping at base, each tuft resembling miniature iris growth. Inflorescence racemose or subspicate, terminating stem, thin, erect to arching. Flowers non-resupinate, tiny, numerous, crowded, shortly pedicellate, dull-coloured, arranged spirally or in whorls. Sepals much broader than petals, often reflexed. Petals often notched or toothed. Labellum lamina 3-lobed, often with 2 basal, ear-like appendages that hug column base; labellum base with basal channel or pit (callus pit). Column very short, without basal foot.
Small to medium-sized epiphytic or rarely lithophytic, caulescent or acaulescent herbs. Leaves ± fleshy, distichous, bilaterally flattened or terete, ± jointed at base. Inflorescences terminal, solitary, racemose or verticillate, cylindrical-tapering, often densely many-flowered. Flowers small, non-resupinate, yellow, green or orange. Sepals and petals free, subsimilar but petals slightly smaller; spreading. Lip sessile, deflexed, entire or variously lobed, ± erosely margined, ecallose. Column very short, often enclosed at base by basal auricles or side lobes of lip; pollinia 4, pyriform, waxy, free.
Sepals and petals free, subsimilar, the petals slightly smaller; lip entire or lobed, ecallose and lacking a spur.
Leaves distichous, terete or bilaterally flattened, fleshy, sometimes jointed.
Inflorescence terminal, cylindrical, usually densely many-flowered.
Flowers very small, non-resupinate, green, yellow or orange.
Column very short; pollinia 4, pyriform, waxy, free.
Epiphytic herb, rarely lithophytic.