Trees, shrubs or woody climbers. Leaves glabrous to pubescent or tometose; veins often prominent beneath and sometimes above; petiole relative short. Inflorescences axillary, fasciculate in short or elongate catkin-li racemes when mature; resembling small cones when young, covered by imbricate, peltate, caducous bracts. Flowers small, hermaphrodite, solitary or fasciculate, usually in threes or multiples thereof. Petals 4–5, free, usually recurved, caducous; disk-glands free, fleshy, alternating with the stamens. Ovary unilocular; ovule pendulous; style short; stigma truncate. Fruit approximately ellipsoid. Seed large, stone-like.
Lianes or erect shrubs; young branchlets often puberulous. Leaves coriaceous. Flowers bisexual, 3 per bract in axillary racemes; rachis and pedicels tomentose with brown or yellow hairs. Bracts peltate, broadly ovate, ciliate, closely imbricate, caducous before anthesis. Tepals 5, rarely 4 (or 6?), free, recurved. Stamens exceeding perianth. Disc lobed, with 5, rarely 4, fleshy, irregularly dentate lobes alternating with stamens. Ovary cylindrical to ellipsoidal; stigma sessile. Drupe ellipsoidal, puberulous; endocarp thin. Embryo nearly as large as seed; radicle small; cotyledons 3.
Lianas or shrubs. Racemes axillary, tomentose; bracts peltate, densely imbricate, margin short ciliate, caducous. Flowers bisexual, 3 per bract. Tepals (4 or)5, free, recurved. Disk (4 or)5-lobed; lobes thick, fleshy, alternate with tepals. Ovary cylindric to ellipsoid. Stigma sessile. Drupe puberulent; mesocarp fleshy; endocarp thin, woody; embryo with 3 cotyledons.
Shrubs, scandent or occasionally erect; young branches and leaves glabrous or variously pubescent to tomentellous.
Leaf-lamina ± elliptic, chartaceous to coriaceous; petiole short, articulated at the base.
Inflorescences racemose, at first strobiliform; bracts imbricate, caducous.
Stamens free or shortly adnate to the petals at the base, caducous.
Fruit ± ellipsoid, with a thin pericarp and a large stone.
Flowers minute, on short pedicels.
Petals reflexed, caducous.
Disk-glands fleshy.
Calyx annular.
Ovary free.