Perennials; caudex simple or branched, (branches often covered with persistent leaf bases, cespitose); densely (silvery) pubescent, trichomes rays fused at least 1/2 their length. Stems several from base, ascending to erect (arising laterally, unbranched), 0.5-1(-2.5) dm. Basal leaves (ascending to erect, petiole slender); blade oblanceolate to obovate, 3-8 cm, (base tapering to petiole), margins incised or dentate with broad teeth, (apex acute to obtuse). Cauline leaves: blade linear-oblanceolate to oblanceolate, 1-2 cm, margins entire. Racemes dense (elongated or not in fruit, 2.5-8.5(-10) cm). Fruiting pedicels (divaricate, straight), 5-11(-15) mm, (rigid, fruits not pendent on arching pedicels). Flowers: sepals (greenish yellow), lanceolate, 6-8.5 mm, (saccate and cucullate); petals spatulate to narrowly oblanceolate, 7-10(-12) mm. Fruits didymous, sides curved and angular, highly inflated, 6-16 × 8-12 mm, (papery, apical sinus broad and concave); valves (retaining seeds after dehiscence, distinctly 2-keeled on side away from replum), pubescent, trichomes appressed; replum linear to linear-lanceolate, as wide as or wider than fruit, apex acute; ovules 4-8 per ovary; style 2-9 mm, (usually not exceeding sinus). Seeds slightly flattened, (ovate).