Leaves thinly coriaceous, opposite or in whorls of 3–5, completely glabrous; petiole 3–20 mm. long, angled, often narrowly winged almost to the base by a continuation of the lamina; lamina (4)6–13·5 x (1·3)2·2–5·5 cm., elliptic to obovate or narrowly obovate, the apex cuspidate with short rounded acumen or acute with rounded tip, the base attenuate; upper surface glossy, with all nerves raised (midrib both prominent and channelled); lower surface paler and mat, all nerves raised; lateral nerves ± parallel, 2–4 mm. apart, joining near the margin in a neatly looped vein; edge of leaf forming little pleats when pressed flat.
Corolla tube 5–8 mm. long, narrowed in the middle, glabrous externally, pubescent internally in upper half, hairs longest just below the anthers; corolla lobes 2–4 x 1·5–2·5 mm., elliptic, glabrous, not strongly overlapping.
An evergreen shrub or tree 1·5–30 m. tall; bark grey, smooth or slightly scaly; slash whitish, cream or pale brown with darker yellow striations, brownish yellow beneath, yielding milky latex; branches subsarmentose.
Gynoecium 4–6·5 mm. long; ovary c. 1 mm. long, cylindrical, glabrous, of 2 free carpels each containing 1–4 ovules; style slender, flattened; clavuncle 2-lobed; stigma reduced to a flat region at apex of clavuncle.
Fruit comprising 2 clavate mericarps 7–20 x 4·5–18 mm., pale green to orange when ripe, each containing 1 or 2 salmon-pink seeds.
Flowers white, fragrant, in dense axillary fascicles on new and old wood; pedicels up to 1 mm. long, glabrous.
Stamens inserted 4-6 mm. above base of corolla tube; filaments minute, anthers 0·5–1 mm. long.
Young twigs glabrous, angled, sometimes with verticillate branching-pattern.
Calyx 1·5–2 mm. long; sepals ovate, free, glabrous.