Stems rarely whitish to glaucous, moderately stout to slender, to 8 mm diam., acrid-or slightly sweet-tasting; scales concolored brown or slightly darker near point of attachment, lanceolate-ovate, symmetric, margins entire to erose. Leaves to 70 cm. Petiole usually slender, to 3 mm diam. Blade lanceolate-ovate to oblong, pinnatifid, widest below middle or occasionally at base, to 16 cm wide, leathery to herbaceous; rachis sparsely scaly to glabrescent abaxially, puberulent adaxially; scales lanceolate-ovate, usually more than 3 cells wide. Segments linear-lanceolate to oblong, usually less than 15 mm wide; margins conspicuously serrate; apex obtuse to acute; midrib puberulent adaxially. Venation weakly to moderately anastomosing, some to many segments lacking areoles. Sori midway between margin and midrib or slightly closer to midrib, usually less than 4 mm diam., oval when immature. Sporangiasters absent. Spores more than 58 µm, verrucose, surface projections less than 3 µm. 2 n = 148.