Plants epiphytic or epilithic, small to medium-sized. Rhizome long creeping, covered with scales; scales brown, lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, clathrate or centrally clathrate. Fronds usually remote, articulate at base, monomorphic. Lamina broadly lanceolate, simple, pinnatifid, truncate at base, pinnatilobed at apex. Lateral segments more than 5 pairs, lanceolate, ± falcate, entire to incised at margins. Veins free, veinlets forked. Sori orbicular, in 1 row on either side of costa, borne on acroscopic branch of a free forked veinlet; sporangia long stalked, annulus with ca. 20 hardened cells. Spores yellow, ellipsoid, surface verrucate. x = 37.
Lvs scattered along the branched, widely creeping rhizome, firm, evergreen, deeply lobed to once pinnate with sessile, broad-based pinnae, the veins free or areolate only along the costae; petiole with 3 vascular bundles below, these uniting distally; sori rotund or elliptic, borne subterminally on the vein-forks. 150+, cosmop.
Terrestrial, rupestral, or epiphytic ferns with creeping scaly rhizomes. Fronds articulated to rhizome, pinnatifid or 1-pinnate, usually glabrous; veins free or anastomosing. Sori round to elongate, superficial, lacking indusia. Spores monolete.