Leaves digitately trifoliolate (i.e. the terminal one sessile, lacking a rachis) or sometimes unifoliolate, rarely with occasional leaves 5-foliolate with a short rachis; petiole short, up to 7(9) mm long; leaflets ± oblanceolate, usually glabrous above and appressed-pubescent beneath; stipules 1–4 mm long, linear-triangular.
Calyx 3–5 mm long, tubular to funnel-shaped with 5 subequal acute teeth slightly shorter than the tube, the two upper ones slightly connate at the base, pubescent.
Flowers in groups of (1)2–4(7) in axils of foliage leaves; pedicels not exceeding 2 mm; bracteoles absent.
Pod thin-walled, variously contorted, indehiscent, variously pubescent.
Stamens united into a tube, the upper one easily detached.
Young stems variously densely pubescent.
Ovary pubescent; style glabrous.
Undershrubs up to 40 cm high.