Column short or long, glabrous or puberulent, without a foot; rostellum bifid; anther cucullate, truncate at apex; pollinia 2, pyriform; stipites 2, linear or oblanceolate; viscidium oblong or cordate, relatively large.
Epiphytic or lithophytic herbs; stem short or long, branched or unbranched, covered in persistent leaf bases.
Leaves distichous, usually conduplicate, linear to oblong, unequally 2-lobed at the apex, coriaceous.
Roots arising at the stem base, or along the stem opposite the leaves, usually stout.
Lip entire or 3-lobed, ecallose; spur pendent, slender with a narrow mouth.
Flowers usually white, turning apricot-coloured as they age.
Sepals and petals free, subsimilar, spreading or recurved.
Inflorescences arched or pendent, few-to many-flowered.