Slender bole climber to c. 20 m tall; stems adherent, often spiralling up substrate, sometimes producing much reduced, condensed detachable short-shoots and elongate flagelliform foraging shoots with reduced leaf blades. Leaves appressed to substrate; petiole much shorter than blade, c. 1.5 cm long, sheathing throughout and wings of sheath with paperymembranous ligulate extensions along stem to c. 1/2 length of blade; blade broadly ovate, to c. 15 cm long, shallowly cordate at base, velvety dark grey-green adaxially, paler abaxially, coriaceous. Inflorescence: spathe c. 6 cm long; spadix shortly stipitate, subcylindric (spindle-shaped), c. 4.5 cm long. Stigmas sessile, mostly ±punctate, slit-like in lower flowers.