Rhaphidophora Hassk.


Angiosperms > Alismatales > Araceae


More or less robust root-climbers or hemi-epiphytes with the entire shoot system clinging or with a monopodial clinging leader bearing free lateral flowering shoots; copious trichosclereids in most tissues; juvenile forms sometimes sharply distinguished from adults (heteroblasty) and ‘shingle-leaved’; adult shoots sometimes becoming ‘foraging’ (small blades, long internodes) if detached from substrate. Leaves: petiole geniculate at apex; sheath mostly degrading to fibres, or persistent; blade entire (in Australia) to fenestrate to pinnatifid (not in Australia), striate-to reticulate-(not in Australia) veined. Inflorescences terminal on clinging shoot and then often clustered, or on free laterals and then usually solitary; spathe unconstricted, canoe-shaped, mostly thickly coriaceous, usually caducous, mostly yellowish then blackening; spadix sessile to stipitate. Flowers bisexual throughout spadix, though some (distal and proximal) sometimes infertile and ?performing specialised roles in pollination, atepalate, tetramerous. Stamens free; filaments ribbon-like. Ovary rhomboid from above, with punctate to slit-like stigmas, (incompletely) 2-locular with axile to parietal placentation; ovules numerous. Ripe infructescence exposing seeds by transverse dehiscence of individual fruits, the tops detaching together in ±coherent plates. Seeds tiny, numerous, albuminous.
Lianas, large; raphides numerous on stem and leaf; laticiferous ducts absent. Stems thick, creeping and climbing up trees or over rocks by aid of adhesive roots. Leaves distichous, petiolate; pulvinus short or long; petiole often adaxially grooved or canaliculate, sheath extending to pulvinus; leaf blade entire or divided, or perforate, thinly to rather thickly leathery, pinnately veined. Inflorescences terminal on leafy shoots, solitary or sometimes in a fascicle (synflorescence); as synflorescence develops axis sometimes reiterating and overtopping synflorescence such that inflorescence cluster is displaced and appears to be produced laterally (here termed "appearing axillary"). Spathe not constricted, initially inrolled and tubular, afterward spreading, firm, mostly early caducous, rarely marcescent. Stalk of spadix short or absent; spadix cylindric. Flowers many, bisexual or sometimes a few male, naked. Stamens 4; anthers much shorter than filaments, dehiscent by a slit. Ovary 1-or incompletely 2-loculed, 2-to many ovuled; ovules basal or parietal, 1-or 2-seriate; style broadly conic; stigma circular to linear, in latter case longitudinally inserted. Fruit with stylar plate sloughing away in groups or singularly to reveal ovary cavity with seeds embedded in pulp, many seeded. Seeds small, oblong to reniform.
Lianescent or epiphytic perennial herbs with tough fibrous stems; all parts of the plant (especially floral tissues) containing needle-like trichosclereids. Leaves numerous; petiole pulvinate apically, with sheath extending over most of petiole length; blade entire, oblong-ovate or lanceolate, often oblique (pinnatifid or perforated in many extra-African species); primary and secondary lateral veins parallel. Inflorescences 1–few, appearing with the leaves. Spathe boat-shaped, erect, soon withering and deciduous after flowering. Spadix cylindric, uniform in appearance. Flowers bisexual, lacking perigon, densely congested. Stamens 4; anthers dehiscing by oblique apical slits; connective very slender; filaments oblong, flattened. Pistil prismatic, truncate at apex; ovary unilocular, with 1–2(–3) intrusive parietal placentas and sometimes also base of locule bearing ovules; stigma sessile, linear to elliptic, ± prominent. Berries many-seeded. Seeds elongate, fusiform or flattened, straight or slightly curved; endosperm copious; embryo axile, straight or slightly curved.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system creeping-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Rhaphidophora unspecified picture


Rhaphidophora world distribution map, present in Andorra, Australia, Benin, Bangladesh, Central African Republic, China, Congo, Fiji, Gabon, Ghana, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Liberia, Moldova (Republic of), Maldives, Myanmar, Nigeria, Nepal, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Sierra Leone, Thailand, Taiwan, Province of China, Uganda, Viet Nam, Vanuatu, and Samoa


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:2892-1
WFO ID wfo-4000032889
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Raphidophora Rhaphidophora

Lower taxons

Rhaphidophora calophyllum Rhaphidophora corneri Rhaphidophora dulongensis Rhaphidophora elliptica Rhaphidophora falcata Rhaphidophora guamensis Rhaphidophora hayi Rhaphidophora kokodensis Rhaphidophora korthalsii Rhaphidophora latevaginata Rhaphidophora minor Rhaphidophora montana Rhaphidophora okapensis Rhaphidophora oligosperma Rhaphidophora ovoidea Rhaphidophora pachyphylla Rhaphidophora parvifolia Rhaphidophora pertusa Rhaphidophora philippinensis Rhaphidophora puberula Rhaphidophora sarasinorum Rhaphidophora talamauana Rhaphidophora tenuis Rhaphidophora ternatensis Rhaphidophora teysmanniana Rhaphidophora todayensis Rhaphidophora tonkinensis Rhaphidophora ustulata Rhaphidophora versteegii Rhaphidophora waria Rhaphidophora australasica Rhaphidophora balgooyi Rhaphidophora banosensis Rhaphidophora beccarii Rhaphidophora bonii Rhaphidophora brevispathacea Rhaphidophora burkilliana Rhaphidophora chevalieri Rhaphidophora conica Rhaphidophora conocephala Rhaphidophora cravenschoddeana Rhaphidophora cretosa Rhaphidophora cryptantha Rhaphidophora cylindrosperma Rhaphidophora dahlii Rhaphidophora discolor Rhaphidophora elliptifolia Rhaphidophora elmeri Rhaphidophora floresensis Rhaphidophora foraminifera Rhaphidophora formosana Rhaphidophora fortis Rhaphidophora geniculata Rhaphidophora gorokensis Rhaphidophora intonsa Rhaphidophora intrusa Rhaphidophora jubata Rhaphidophora liukiuensis Rhaphidophora lobbii Rhaphidophora maingayi Rhaphidophora megasperma Rhaphidophora megastigma Rhaphidophora microspadix Rhaphidophora mima Rhaphidophora monticola Rhaphidophora neoguineensis Rhaphidophora nicolsonii Rhaphidophora peepla Rhaphidophora lancifolia Rhaphidophora luchunensis Rhaphidophora megaphylla Rhaphidophora typha Rhaphidophora decursiva Rhaphidophora lacduongensis Rhaphidophora angustata Rhaphidophora araea Rhaphidophora crassifolia Rhaphidophora moluccensis Rhaphidophora tetrasperma Rhaphidophora schlechteri Rhaphidophora spuria Rhaphidophora pusilla Rhaphidophora africana Rhaphidophora pilosa Rhaphidophora sabit Rhaphidophora schottii Rhaphidophora stenophylla Rhaphidophora stolleana Rhaphidophora sulcata Rhaphidophora peeploides Rhaphidophora perkinsiae Rhaphidophora petrieana Rhaphidophora spathacea Rhaphidophora sylvestris Rhaphidophora acuminata Rhaphidophora crassicaulis Rhaphidophora glauca Rhaphidophora honkongensis Rhaphidophora hookeri Rhaphidophora koordersii Rhaphidophora laichauensis