Moderately robust bole-climber or hemi-epiphyte to c. 20 m tall; clinging axes monopodial, producing free lateral sympodial flowering shoots. Leaves: sheath degrading to papery fibres then falling altogether; blade narrowly ovate to lanceolate, somewhat falcate, to c. 18 cm × 6 cm (somewhat larger on clinging axes), dull mid green above, paler below, rather thinly coriaceous. Inflorescence solitary on a short stout ascending peduncle; spathe broadly ovate, cowl-like, c. 8 cm long, thick, creamy yellow; spadix stipitate for c. 1 cm, with fertile part c. 6 × 2 cm, bluntly tapering. Ovary obpyramidal, bearing a punctate stigma on a style c. 0.6 mm long. Exposed fruit mushy, orange.
Found inareas supporting lowland to lower montane rainforest, in forest and regrowth,from sea level to c. 800 m.