A disease-resistant, high-quality dessert gooseberry. Origin: at the USDA-ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository, Corvallis, Ore., by K.E. Hummer and O.L. Jahn; selected in 1984 by O.L. Jahn from a seedling population of Ribes oxyacanthoides from Alberta; tested as RIB 139; introd. in 1996 as a joint release from USDA-ARS and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa. Tree: high yield; upright habit with some sprawling branches; single spine less than 4 mm at some nodes; flowers mid-April to early May. Resistant to American powdery mildew; leaf spot; white pine blister rust, stem Botrytis, aphids, and sawflies. Fruit: large; globose; red-pink color; ripens mid-to late July.