A trailing, fresh-market blackberry producing large, firm fruit. Origin: in Corvallis, Ore., by C.E. Finn and F.J. Lawrence, USDA-ARS and Oregon State Univ. ORUS 830-4 × ORUS 728-3 (Rubus ursinus is primary species in derivation but R. armeniacus [R. procerus] and R. idaeus also occur; tested as ORUS 1129-1; introd. in 1995. Tree: yield similar or slightly higher than Marion; vigorous, trailing, relatively open habit; spiney; relatively strong laterals; flower buds more winter hardy than Marion. Resistant to cane spot and leaf spot. Fruit: very large; firm; color similar to Marion but with occasional red drupelet; uniform shape with no indication of sterility; good flavor but lacks strong aromatic components of Marion; ripens earlier than Marion and similar to Kotata and with harvest season longer than either.