Origin: in Carbondale, Ill., by John W. (Jack) Hull, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Illinois Agr. Expt. Sta., Urbana, and Ohio Agr. Res. and Development Center, Wooster. Introd. in 1981 and named in honor of Hull, who spent his entire professional career breeding and studying blackberries and raspberries. SIUS 47 (US 1487 × Darrow) × Thornfree; cross made in 1968; selected in 1972; evaluated by Gene Galletta, AD. Draper, R.G. Hill, R.C. Blake, and R.M. Skirvin; tested as SIUS 68-6-6. Berry: large like Black Satin, oblong; skin jet black, colors well in heat; flesh firmer and sweeter than Black Satin; keeping quality good; ripens few days after Black Satin. Tree: similar to Black Satin but hardier. Fruit: