Origin: in East Malling, Kent, England, by E. Keep, J.H. Parker, and V.H. Knight, Inst. of Horticulture Res. (East Malling Res. Sta.). Introd. in 1981. Rubus ursinus × selfed tetraploid sport of Malling Jewel; cross made in 1967; tested as EM 2143/9. Tree: canes very vigorous, with short leafy laterals; productive. Fruit: medium-large, similar to Loganberry; very dark red, glossy; blunt conical; ripens early July until mid-August; excellent fresh flavor; canning quality fairly good; flavor and color after thawing good, but drip loss high. Moderately easy to pick, although sometimes concealed by large leaves on the lateral; plug (receptacle) remains with fruit when picked.