A thornless, erect, low-chill blackberry. Origin: Embrapa Clima Temperado, Pelotas, Brazil and the University of Arkansas by Maria do C. Bassols Raseira, James N. Moore, Alverides M. dos Santos, John R. Clark and Luis E. C. Antunes. Open pollination of population 9303 that was a cross of A-1629 and A-1507 of which seeds were collected in Arkansas and brought to Brazil in 1994; selected in 1996; tested as Selection 3/96; introd. in 2003. Tree: erect; thornlessness originally from Merton Thornless; blooms from September to October; vigorous; productive; low-chill requirement estimated to be less than 250 hours; ploidy assumed to be 2n=4x=28. Fruit: medium, 5.7-6.1g; medium-firm; glossy; 6.5-8% SS; ripens by December (in Southern Brazil), a few days earlier than Tupy.