Herb, 8-40 cm tall, rarely branched. Stems and branches H 0.1 cm in diam.; internodes 0.8-5 cm, shorter at base. Leaves much shorter (usually < 1/2) than internodes; blade linear to narrowly ovate/narrowly elliptic, (0.3-)0.5-2 x 0.1-0.4 cm, apex acute, primary vein distinct. Inflorescence usually terminal, rarely axillary, 1-4-flowered modified dichasium; bracts 7-20 mm long, more or less as long as upper leaves, bracteoles 5-20 mm; pedicels 8-50 mm long. Flowers erect to slightly nodding; calyx green, lobes rarely yellowish, (8-)16-18(-23) mm long, 4-ribbed, connation at least for 1/2 of its length, lobes narrowly triangular to triangular, (4-)6-10 x 1-2 cm, longer than corolla tube, margin entire, membranous, apex acuminate to narrowly acute, ribs 0.1-0.3(-0.8) mm; corolla salmon pink to yellow-orange, sometimes somewhat paler on inside, tubular to salver-shaped, (11-)22-26(-33) mm long, connation at least for 2/3 of its length, lobes oblong to ovate, (4-)7-8(-15) x (2-)6-8(-10) mm, margin entire to irregularly denticulate, slightly undulating, apex rounded to acuminate; stamens longest ones to top of corolla tube, 3-8 mm long, longest one ca. same length as style+stigma, subequal, sometimes 2 somewhat longer, inserted on corolla tube 1/2-2/3 from base, filaments white, (2-)4-5 mm long, straight, at base somewhat flattened, without dentate appendages, anthers white, narrowly ellipsoid to narrowly oblong, (1-)2-3 mm; pistil 15-20(-30) mm long, ovary narrowly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, (3-)5-8 x 1-2(-3) mm, dark disk-like ring at base, style white, 10-12 mm long, longer than corolla tube, stigma yellow, lobes broadly ovate, 0.8-2.3 mm long. Fruit narrowly ellipsoid to ovoid, 3-9 mm long, calyx and corolla persistent.
Herb to ca. 35 cm tall; stems slender, terete to subangulate, smooth to slightly winged, unbranched or sparingly 2-to 3-branched above, the branches strongly ascending, the internodes exceeding the leaves. Leaves uniformly distributed along the stems, linear, 1-1.8 cm long and 2-3 mm broad, obtuse to acute at the apex, becoming amplexicaul at the base, the lateral veins inconspicuous, submem-branous. Inflorescences terminal, 1-flowered by reduction of simple dichasia; the pedicel 6-12 mm long. Flowers 1.4-1.8 cm long, rose; calyx tube 8-9 mm long, narrowly urceolate, the lobes 5-6 mm long, triangular, carinate, ? erect, the margins membranous; corolla 1.4-1.8 cm long, the lobes 4-6 mm long, stamens subequal, 4-5 mm long, inserted midway on the corolla tube, the filaments winged toward the base, the anthers linear, 1.5-2 mm long, minutely mucronate; ovary 2-3 mm long, the style 6-8 mm long, the stigma lobes oblong, ca. 1 mm long. Capsule unknown.