Sicyos L.

Bur cucumber (en), Sicyos (fr)


Angiosperms > Cucurbitales > Cucurbitaceae


Plants annual, monoecious, climbing or trailing; stems glabrous or hairy, often viscid-pubescent when young; roots fibrous; tendrils 2–5-branched from a common point. Leaves <sessile or subsessile to petiolate>; blade ovate or orbiculate to suborbiculate or reniform, deeply to shallowly palmately 3–5-angular-lobed, lobes triangular to deltate, margins usually serrate to denticulate, surfaces eglandular. Inflorescences: staminate flowers 3–22(–34) in axillary racemes or panicles; pistillate flowers 4–16, sessile to subsessile in umbelliform clusters at peduncle apex, from same axils as staminate, <peduncles erect at apex>; bracts absent. Flowers: hypanthium cupulate to shallowly campanulate; sepals 5, ovate to deltate or subulate, linear, linear-triangular, or narrowly triangular; petals 5, connate 1/4–1/2 length, white to greenish white, yellowish green, or yellow, triangular to lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, 0.5–1.5 mm, glabrous abaxially, often glandular adaxially, corolla campanulate to cupulate. Staminate flowers: stamens (2–)3(–5); filaments inserted at base of hypanthium, connate 1 mm; thecae connate into head, horseshoe-shaped, connective slightly broadened; pistillodes absent. Pistillate flowers: ovary 1-locular, ovoid-fusiform; ovules 1 per locule; style 1, narrow; stigmas 1, obscurely 2–3-lobed; staminodes absent. Fruits pepos, dark green to gray at maturity, fusiform to ovoid, <beaked or not, dry, thin-walled>, echinate or spinulose, <usually also with shorter hairs, rarely glabrous>, indehiscent. Seeds 1, ovoid, compressed, not arillate, margins not differentiated but sometimes with 2 small swellings at base, surface smooth. x = 12.
Annual climbing or trailing herbs. Leaves simple; blade palmately lobed. Tendrils proximally 2–5-fid. Flowers small, greenish-white to greenish-yellow, monoecious. Male flowers few to many in simple or branched racemes, often ± whorled or subcapitate; receptacle-tube shallowly campanulate; lobes small, dentiform; petals (3–4–)5, united at the very base, entire; stamens (2–)3(–5); filaments inserted at base of tube, united into a central column; anthers united into a head, less often practically free; thecae arcuate, flexuous or triplicate. Female flowers solitary and long-pedicellate, or few to many subsessile and capitate at the apex of peduncles, smaller than (♂; perianth parts 5-merous, sometimes 3-merous; ovary ovoid and beaked or fusiform, 1-locular; ovule solitary, pendulous. Fruit rather small, ovoid and beaked or fusiform, terete, angled or compressed, aculeate, spiny or sometimes unarmed, dry and coriaceous or woody. Seed solitary, broadly ovate and compressed to fusiform, often rather obscurely bicarunculate at the apex; testa smooth.
Monoecious climbing or trailing annual herbs, hispid or pubescent with glandular  hairs. Tendrils 2–5-branched. Leaves simple, palmately lobed. Flowers small. Male  flowers in simple or branched racemes, often whorled or head-like; hypanthium  broadly campanulate; calyx 5-lobed, the lobes small; corolla deeply 5-lobed, rarely  3-lobed, subrotate, white or greenish; stamens 2–5, inserted at base of hypanthium;  filaments united into column; anthers united into head, rarely free; locules flexuose;  disc absent. Female flowers in pedunculate heads or solitary; perianth similar to male,  mostly smaller; staminodes absent; ovary ovoid, attenuate; ovule 1, pendulous; disc  absent. Fruit dry, ovoid, attenuate, mostly bristly. Seed 1, ovate, compressed.
5-toothed; corolla salverform, the limb 5-lobate, spreading; stamens 3 (rarely 2 or 5), the filaments connate; anthers connate or free, the theca flexuous to nearly straight. Pistillate flowers in sessile clusters or in short pedunculate umbelloid heads, borne in the same axils as the staminate flowers; ovary ovoid to fusiform, setose or aculeate, rarely unarmed, l-celled, the ovule solitary, pendulous, the style subequalling the corolla tube, the stigma broad, 2-to 3-lobate. Fruits dry, ovoid, echinate, spiny, or rarely unarmed; seeds conforming to the locule, the testa reticulate or pitted.
Monoecious; fls 5-merous; cal small, 5-toothed; cor rotate, 5-lobed; anthers and filaments united into a column; ovary unilocular, with 1 suspended ovule; stigmas 3; fr dry, indehiscent, not inflated, covered by prickly bristles; annual vines with branched tendrils, broad, angular or lobed lvs, and small, white of greenish fls, the pistillate in small capitate clusters, the staminate in corymbiform racemes. 15, mainly trop.
Monoecious, tendriled vines; stems 5-to 10-angled or-sulcate. Leaves, peti-olate or the uppermost sessile, subentire or deeply lobate; tendrils 3-to 5-branched. Staminate flowers in racemes, panicles or umbelloid clusters, inflo-rescences long pedunculate; calyx shallowly and broadly campanulate to rotate,
Monoec. scrambling or climbing herbs; petals united at base, anthers cohering; ovary 1-locular, ovule 1, pend.; stigmas 3. Fr. ovoid, dry, ind., beset with barbed bristles. Some 30 spp. of America, Polynesia, Australia. The N.Z. sp. has the range of the genus.
Life form annual
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality monoecy
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system fibrous-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 6-11


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -