Trees deciduous. Leaves 1-pinnately compound, opposite; leaflets entire, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate. Inflorescences cymose-paniculate, terminal. Calyx campanulate, 5-dentate, sometimes unequal. Corolla lobes subequal, rounded or lacerate, tube small, yellow or pale red. Stamens 4, didynamous, included; anthers divergent. Disc cushionlike. Ovary sessile; ovules numerous, in 1 to several rows. Capsule dehiscing loculicidally, terete, slender, 4-angular; septum terete, woody. Seeds inserted in septum, transparent and membranous winged at both ends.
Stamens 4, didynamous inserted in the corolla tube, included; anther-thecae divergent; staminode 1, more or less developed.
Seeds numerous, winged, arranged alternately along both sides of the septum.
Corolla slightly zygomorphic, pink; tube infundibuliform, lobes patent.
Calyx campanulate or tubulate, irregularly 2–5 lobed.
Ovary linear-oblong, 4-angled, bilocular.
Panicles terminal, many-flowered large.
Glabrous or pubescent trees or shrubs.
Ovules numerous, 2-seriate per locule.
Capsule longly linear-cylindrical.
Leaves opposite, imparipinnate.
Disk entire or 5-lobed.