Styrax L.

Snowbell (en), Aliboufier au sens large (fr)


Angiosperms > Ericales > Styracaceae


Shrubs or trees: pith continuous; winter buds without scales; fertile shoots of current growing season with fully developed leaves. Leaf blades: margins coarsely toothed, denticulate, serrate, or entire, rarely also lobed. Inflorescences borne on shoots of current growing season, false-terminal or axillary racemes or panicles, (2-)3-19-flowered, sometimes solitary flowers, articulation between pedicel and flower absent. Flowers: hypanthium adnate only to proximal portion of ovary wall; sepals (2-)4-5(-9), connate, forming tube with (2-)5(-9) minute, apical teeth; corolla lobes 5-6(-8), imbricate or subinduplicate-valvate in bud, portion free from androecium distinct or nearly so [connate proximally]; stamens [5-]10(-16); filaments with free portion completely distinct or connate proximally; pistil 3-carpellate; ovary partly inferior, proximally 3-septate; ovules [1-2] ca. 8 per carpel, erect, bitegmic. Fruits capsular and 3-valved, or nutlike (in S. grandifolius) [drupaceous], not winged, ellipsoid to globose; beak indistinct. Seeds 1(-3), completely filling fruit cavity, with 3(-6) longitudinal grooves, ellipsoid to globose; hilum conspicuous; seed coat thick, indurate. x = 8.
Trees or shrubs, stellate pubescent or scaly, rarely glabrous. Leaves usually alternate. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, racemes, panicles, or cymes, sometimes 1-flowered or several-flowered in a fascicle; bracteoles small, early deciduous. Flowers bisexual. Calyx cup-shaped, 5-toothed, rarely 2--6-lobed or truncate. Corolla campanulate; lobes 5(--7), imbricate or valvate. Stamens (8--)10(--13), equal or rarely unequal in length; filaments flattened, free, sometimes basally adnate to corolla; anthers oblong. Ovary superior, 3-locular when young, becoming 1-locular; ovules 1--4 per locule, placentation parietal. Style subulate or filiform; stigma capitate or 3-lobed. Drupe, indehiscent or 3-valvate dehiscent, exocarp fleshy to dry. Seeds 1(or 2); seed coat almost bony, with a large basal hilum; endosperm fleshy or almost bony; embryo straight.
Shrubs or trees, at least the innovations stellate-hairy, tomentose or lepidote. Leaves mostly tomentose below; petiole sulcate. Calyx campanulate to cup-shaped, free, or the base connate with the ovary, truncate, rarely toothed. Flowers solitary, mostly in racemes or leafy panicles. Corolla lobes 5(-6-7), connate at the base with the annular staminal tube. Stamens (8-9-)10(-11-14), erect, connate at the base; anthers split lengthwise. Ovary imperfectly 3-locular, with few ovules per cell, or only 1. Style 3-angular; stigma punctiform or indistinctly 3-lobed. Fruit globular to oblong, dehiscent or not. Seeds 1(-2) attached at its base.
Fls 5-merous; cal obconic, its lower half adherent to the ovary; cor-lobes equaling or (ours) longer than the tube, eventually spreading or recurved; stamens 10, inserted at the base of the cor, monadelphous at base; ovary 3-locular below, unilocular above; ovules few in each locule; fr dry, crustaceous, usually 1-seeded, often irregularly dehiscent, its lower third adherent to the persistent cal. 120, widespread.
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 5-10


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 30 - 90
Germination temperacture (C°) 18 - 22
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Styrax unspecified picture


Styrax world distribution map, present in American Samoa, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Panama, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000037031
BDTFX ID 87272
INPN ID 198079
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Styrax Cypellium Trichogamila Darlingtonia Adnaria Epigenia Anthostyrax Benzoina Camunium Cyrta Foveolaria Pamphilia Tremanthus Strigilia

Lower taxons

Styrax wurdackiorum Styrax glabrescens Styrax camporum Styrax conterminus Styrax davillifolius Styrax duidae Styrax apricus Styrax buchananii Styrax ridleyanus Styrax rigidifolius Styrax ochraceus Styrax omuk Styrax pedicellatus Styrax pefrit Styrax americanus Styrax ferrugineus Styrax rotundatus Styrax pallidus Styrax warscewiczii Styrax guanayanus Styrax hypargyreus Styrax martii Styrax japonicus Styrax microphyllus Styrax litseoides Styrax lasiocalyx Styrax leprosus Styrax maninul Styrax macrocalyx Styrax ellipticus Styrax crotonoides Styrax benzoin Styrax tonkinensis Styrax trichocalyx Styrax porterianus Styrax sipapoanus Styrax rufopilosus Styrax glaber Styrax glabratus Styrax guaiquinimae Styrax grandifolius Styrax nunezii Styrax obtusifolius Styrax hypochryseus Styrax lancifolius Styrax latifolius Styrax oblongus Styrax portoricensis Styrax panamensis Styrax magnus Styrax formosanus Styrax subargenteus Styrax rubifolius Styrax faberi Styrax tomentosus Styrax pentlandianus Styrax peruvianus Styrax pohlii Styrax schultzei Styrax sieberi Styrax tarapotensis Styrax platanifolius Styrax wilsonii Styrax rugosus Styrax limprichtii Styrax supaii Styrax hemsleyanus Styrax macrocarpus Styrax chrysocarpus Styrax odoratissimus Styrax wuyuanensis Styrax argentifolius Styrax chinensis Styrax hainanensis Styrax benzoides Styrax suberifolius Styrax agrestis Styrax serrulatus Styrax confusus Styrax jaliscanus Styrax steyermarkii Styrax nui Styrax redivivus Styrax incarnatus Styrax lanceolatus Styrax chrysocalyx Styrax griseus Styrax uxpanapensis Styrax bicolor Styrax radians Styrax gentryi Styrax tuxtlensis Styrax pauciflorus Styrax guyanensis Styrax aureus Styrax macrophyllus Styrax nicaraguensis Styrax austromexicanus Styrax prancei Styrax excelsus Styrax macarenensis Styrax peltatus Styrax rhytidocarpus Styrax vilcabambae Styrax tafelbergensis Styrax curvirostratus Styrax finlaysonianus Styrax shiraianus Styrax pavonii Styrax subpaniculatus Styrax yutajensis Styrax racemosus Styrax neblinae Styrax acuminatus Styrax obassia Styrax fortunei Styrax warburgii Styrax hookeri Styrax fanshawei Styrax longipedicellatus Styrax paralleloneurus Styrax trichostemon Styrax argenteus Styrax officinalis