Shrub or small tree 3–15 m high; trunk 5–30 cm in diameter; bark pale brown, shallowly to deeply fissured, with large lenticels.. Leaves petiolate; blade narrowly elliptic, 4–27 cm long, 1.5–10(–12) cm wide, obtusely acuminate, acute or obtuse at the apex, cuneate at the base; petiole 3–15 mm long.. Inflorescence 5–23 cm long,many-flowered, glabrous in all parts; peduncle 2–15 cm long; pedicels 3–10 mm long.. Flowers with sepals suborbicular or broadly ovate, 3.5–6 mm long, glabrous outside, ciliate, with a single row of colleters within; corolla white, with a pale yellow throat and greenish tube; mature bud forming a broadly ovoid head; tube almost cylindrical, 10–30 mm long, twisted just above the base; lobes spreading, later recurved, obliquely elliptic, mostly clearly falcate, 14–32 mm long, 5.5–16 mm wide, rounded, auriculate at the left side of the base, undulate; stamens barely exserted or with apex up to 14 mm below the mouth of the corolla tube, inserted 6–8 mm above the corolla base; pistil 7–10 mm long, glabrous; style 2.5–5.3 mm long; ovary almost cylindrical to broadly ovoid; ovules 70–100 in each carpel.. Fruits dark green, obliquely ellipsoid, 6–7(–10) cm long, 4.5–5(–10) cm in diameter, rounded, with 2 faint lateral ridges, smooth or slightly verrucose, dehiscent, several-seeded; pericarp 7–13 mm thick; pulp white; aril orange; seed dark brown, ± coffee-bean-like, obliquely ellipsoid, 11–23 mm long.
Corolla white, often with a pale yellow throat and a greenish tube or less often entirely pale yellow, in the mature bud 12–35 mm. long incl. the lobes (the lobes 1/7–1/2 of the length of the bud, 4–10 x 4–8 mm., forming a broadly ovoid head with a blunt apex), outside glabrous, inside from 1·5–2·5 mm. above the base with an incomplete (interrupted below the centre of the anthers) 2–4 mm. wide belt of soft appressed hairs; tube 2·1–5·4 times as long as the calyx, 10–27 mm. long, almost cylindrical to slenderly bottle-shaped, variable, at the base 2·5–4 mm., ventricose at the insertion of the stamens or just below and there 4–6 mm. and at the throat or just below 2·5–4 mm. wide, slightly twisted only just above the base; lobes usually clearly falcate, 0·7–2 times as long as the tube, 14–32 x 5·5–16 mm., rounded, auriculate at the left side of the base, undulate.
Small or medium tree, (2-)4-8(-15) m high. Leaves oblong, 90-170 x 35-60 mm; petioles 5-12 mm long; stipules fused into caducous tube 2 mm long. Inflorescences of contracted cymes; peduncle stout, 30-70 mm long. Flowers salver-shaped, white, somewhat fleshy. Corolla tube narrowly urceolate, 8-10 mm long; lobes twisted, 10-12 mm long, basally auriculate, margins crisped. Stamens with filaments small, swollen; anthers lanceolate, sagittate, conniving apically at tube mouth. Gynoecium apocarpous, bicarpellate. Style ± ending at anther base, apex swollen and cylindrical. Flowering time Sept., Oct. Fruit a pair of fleshy follicles diverging horizontally, fused at base, ellipsoid, 45-55 x 25-30 mm, surface smooth.
Leaves petiolate; petiole glabrous, 3–15 mm. long, with a single row of colleters in the axils; lamina coriaceous (also when fresh), variable in size, narrowly elliptic, 2·5–4 times as long as wide, 4–27 x 1·5–10 cm., acuminate with a blunt point, acute, or obtuse, cuneate or rounded at the base, entire, sinuate, or undulate, glabrous on both surfaces; secondary veins 7–23 on each side of the midrib, straight or slightly curved, forming an angle of 60–80° with the midrib anastomosing at the apex; tertiary venation reticulate, inconspicuous.
Pistil glabrous, 7–10 mm. long; ovary almost cylindrical to broadly ovoid, often laterally compressed, 2–4·5 x 1·5–3 x 1·4–2·5 mm.; style 2·5–5·3 x 0·2–0·3 mm., slightly widened at the apex; clavuncula almost cylindrical, 2·5–3 x 1–1·2 mm., widened at the base into a thin 1·2—1·7 mm. wide ring, apically gradually narrowing into 5 subglobose lateral 0·5–0·7 mm. long lobes; stigma 0·5–0·7 mm. long.
A tree. It grows 4-8 m tall but can be 15 m tall. The trunk is slender and straight. The bark is smooth and greyish-brown. The branches are low down. The flowers are white and have a sweet smell. The fruit are pods and usually there are 2 joined at the base. They are dark green and smooth. They spit open to reveal and fleshy orange pulp.
Sepals pale green, almost free, thick, carnose, erect, subcircular or broadly ovate, 1–1·5(2) times as long as wide, 3·5–6 x 2–5 mm., ciliate, outside glabrous, inside with a single row of colleters at the base sometimes being interrupted and restricted to groups of 4–6 in front of each sepal.
Mericarps separate, dark green, obliquely ellipsoid, 6–7 x 4·5–5 x 4–4·5 cm. (or perhaps larger), rounded, with 2 faint lateral ridges (usually visible in the often wrinkled dried fruit), smooth, dehiscent, several-seeded; wall 7–13 mm. thick, white inside; aril orange.
Branches pale brown, shallowly longitudinally fissured and with transverse ridges caused by leaf scars when dried, with large lenticels of the same colour; branchlets glabrous.
Tree, 4-8 m high. Corolla tube up to 3.5 mm in diameter. Calyx 4-5 mm long. Fruit ± smooth or wrinkled, not warty. Flowers white Flowers white.
Trunk terete, 5–30 cm. in diam.; bark pale brown, shallowly to deeply longitudinally fissured, often slightly corky, with large lenticels.
Stamens barely exserted to for 14 mm. included, inserted 6–8 mm. above the corolla base; anthers 5·5—9·5 x 2—2·7 mm., glabrous.
Inflorescences usually long-pedunculate, 5–23 x 3–10 cm., usually many-flowered, more or less congested.
Seeds dark brown, dull, 11–13 x 4–7 x 3–5 mm., with longitudinal grooves, minutely tuberculate.
Bracts scale-like, almost as long as the sepals, with a single row of colleters in the axils.
Peduncle glabrous, 2–15 cm. long, fairly robust.
Flowers white with yellow centre, fragrant
Pedicels glabrous, 3–10 mm. long.
Shrub or small tree 3–15 m. high.
Ovules c. 70–100 in each carpel.
Small tree with a compact crown
Flowers sweet-scented.