Plants epiphytic; stems simple, stout, usually erect, to 350 mm tall and 4-6 mm in diameter; roots separated from the leaves by a length of bare stem; leaves not imbricate, leathery, somewhat succulent, flexuouse, linear-lorate, rounded, unequally bilobed, 60-120 (-150) x 7-12 mm. Inflorescences from the axils of the lower leaves, as well as from the sheaths of dehisced leaves; racemes arcuate, 30-80 mm long and with 6-20 flowers. Flowers star-like, c. 10 mm in diameter, pale yellowish-brown. Sepals spreading, sometimes twisting; median narrowly oblong, obtuse, 3.5-6 x 2-2.5 mm; laterals ovate, acute, 4-6 x 2.5-3 mm. Petals lorate, acute, 3.5-4.5 x 1-1.2 mm, margins often uneven. Lip obtriangulate, 5 mm long and 5-6 mm wide at the apex, basal calli prominent, tridentate, teeth 1.5-2 mm long; central tooth acute; laterals lobed at the apex, often longer than the central tooth; spur 9-13 mm long. Gynostemium 2 mm tall. Capsules spheroidal to ellipsoid, 12 x 7 mm.
Epiphyte. Stems long and straggling. Inflorescences bearing 12-16 flowers in 2 distinct rows. Spur shorter than 15 mm. Flowers light brown or greenish beige.