Creeping, decumbent or ascending herbs with simple or branched stems, sometimes forming large mats or cushions. Leaves either in basal rosettes or cauline, alternate, stalked or not, in creeping species sometimes all in one plane by twisting of the petioles. Flowers solitary, axillary or extra-axillary, or in elongated, terminal or lateral, scorpioid cymes without leaves or bracts, or with the lowermost flowers in the axils of leaf-like bracts. Calyx with 5 lobes imbricate in bud. Corolla lobes 5 or 6, invaginate at base, forming hollow appendages bulging into the throat. Stamens isomerous with corolla, filaments very short, inserted in the tube of corolla, anthers opening introrsely with two longitudinal slits. Ovary composed of 4 or (7-)8-10 carpels on a cup-shaped receptacle, style short, stigma bilobed. Nutlets 4 or (7-)8-10, either with a sharp angle dorsally, dorso-ventrally compressed, or rounded dorsally, slightly compressed laterally, ribs sometimes with a narrow wing, smooth or finely papillate to tuberculate, glabrous or with hairs along the margins, shiny or dull. Fig. 16. Fig. 17.