Perennial or probably sometimes annual, terrestrial herbs; stolons subter-ranean, trap-bearing, filiform, radiating from the base of the inflorescence. Photosynthetic organs usually present at anthesis, 1-3 or more, rosulate at the in-florescence base, reniform or orbicular to narrowly obovate, pseudopetiolate, 0.5-3 cm long. Traps + globose, long stalked, ca. 1 mm in diam., mouth basal, the upper lip with 2 short straight subulate appendages, these and the lower lip with dense incurved gland-tipped hairs. Inflorescences 5-30 cm long, 1-6-flowered; bracts ovate-deltoid, acute, 1-nerved, ca. 1 mm long, the bracteoles linear, acute, narrower and somewhat shorter than the bracts, often but not always connate with them for a small to a large part of their length, the bracts thus ap-pearing to be tridentate and without bracteoles, the sterile scales on the peduncle 2-many, similar to the bracts but smaller; pedicels erect or ascending, usually ca. 1 cm long but often shorter or much longer. Flowers with the calyx lobes un-equal, the upper lobe ovate-oblong, obtuse, 2-3 mm long, strongly cucullate, firm in texture with a narrow more membranous margin, the lower lobe slightly shorter, oblong, less cucullate and of a + uniform membranous texture; corolla usually violet, mauve or sometimes white with a yellow palate, typically 6-12 mm long but sometimes smaller or larger, the upper lip broadly ovate-oblong, about twice as long as the upper calyx lobe, the lower lip about the same length but broader and ? deeply and equally 3-lobed, the palate gibbous, prominent, the spur nar-rowly cylindrical or subulate from a conical base, the apex usually obtuse, usually 2-3 times as long as the lower lip. Capsules globose, ca. 2 mm in diam., firm in texture, dehiscing by two lateral longitudinal slits into dorsal and ventral valves; seeds numerous, + ellipsoid, ca. 0.3 mm long.